Handyman Can

Thanks for visiting… I hope you’ll stay a bit… I’ve had this domain name for almost 20 years now… but only recently transitioning from a blog for fun to a honey do list specialist site. I grew up at my dad’s side helping build everything from a cabin on Lake Greenwood to reviving an old Cushman motor scooter that I used to deliver newspapers on long ago.

I retired in 2014 after many years as a maintenance tech primarily in an industrial setting. Trained in the US Air Force as an electronics tech. A wide variety of of skills including computer networking to industrial robots. Lately I’ve been fooling with the IOT using Raspberry Pi and ESP 32 talking via MQTT to control various things around the house.

My focus as a handyman is on smaller one man type jobs… plumbing repairs and installation…. doors and storm doors… custom closet shelves… electrical repairs and installation… ceiling fans… sheetrock repairs and installation… backsplash tiles.

If you need some help with your Honey Do List…. then give me a shout.
I look forward to an opportunity to be your handyman.

1930 Ford Model A Pickup

My friend Clarence recently acquired this very cool truck… which I actually found on facebook ads. It was ready to roll right from the gitgo 😉 has a few minor issues but has taken us around Little Mountain a few times now. Working on the ahooogah horn…amazing that you can get new brushes for that right online. Didn’t need brushes though… it has an ungrounded motor inside and requires two leads to make it work… it was missing one but still had the original connectors inside… quite amazing.

Cottonwood Trail

I’ve been doing handyman work as a sideline for a little over a year now and it has been both enjoyable and profitable. I would like to thank all of you that have allowed me to be your handyman. One of my more interesting encounters led to my discovery of the Cottonwood Trail on Lawsons Fork Creek. It seems I’m becoming more connected to this creek.. It seems to be everywhere I’m fond of frequenting. I enjoy riding a motorcycle and often ride on Hanging Rock road which borders the creek there at Valley Falls. It also borders the property at USC Upstate… its not so obvious there but I recently discovered that there are some nice trails alongside the creek there. Most recently I discovered the Cottonwood Trail by accident… I have a customer whose property is very close to the creek in the Fernwood area. After finishing a job there I saw a sign for the trail and decided to check it out. It is a 115 acres preserve complete with a boardwalk and nice trails in the heart of Spartanburg… if you’ve never been there you should check it out.

This is the view from my friends window… Lawsons Fork Creek is just across the road… they had this killer piece of glass art… A 12 inch cube of  fused glass with an incredible amount of detail in the colored cube in the center.